Insight and background Information on how Scope affects your career at Delta


One Mile at a Time: Delta Pilots Angry Their Jobs Are Being Outsourced

 One Mile At A Time Blog recently covered Delta pilots' scope concerns Delta Air Lines has spent the past many years building up a global network of airline partners, through a combination of joint ventures and equity investments...Delta’s joint venture partners are...

Chairman’s Letter

October 26, 2020 “It is true that integrity alone won’t make you a leader,but without integrity, you will never be one.” -Zig Ziglar   Dear Fellow Pilot: Delta pilots are foundational to this business's core – and our history and contributions to Delta Air Lines...

Chairman’s Letter: Win Win Solutions

October 20, 2020 Win-Win Solutions  “You know. I have heard people say we’re only going to do win-win deals. We keep the Company alive and protect jobs. That’s win-win. Win-win should not be viewed as some pilots are going to leverage the situation to take advantage...
