Statement of Unity: Delta’s “Blue Skies” Trans-Atlantic JVA Must Protect Delta Pilot Jobs and Careers
August 19, 2019
  On August 16, 2019, the Delta MEC filed Comments with the Department of Transportation (DOT) in response to the DOT’s tentative approval of Delta’s application to move forward with its proposed “Blue Skies” transatlantic joint venture (JV) with Air France, KLM and Virgin Atlantic. The Blue Skies JV would consolidate and replace the existing Delta-Virgin Atlantic JV and Delta-Air France-KLM JV agreements. ALPA and the Company are currently discussing Blue Skies as part of Scope negotiations taking place outside of the Section 6 process.  Our position at the bargaining table and in our DOT filing has been consistent and clear: Delta must meaningfully commit to equitable growth with its JV partners.  Without an equitable growth commitment, job growth and career opportunities for Delta pilots are limited. As the MEC’s DOT filing explains, despite claims that Delta’s initial JV with Virgin Atlantic would produce new US-UK flying opportunities for Delta and its pilots, US-UK growth has gone almost exclusively to Virgin, and Delta now flies fewer flights between London LHR and New York JFK than it did before the JV.  In other words, Delta effectively used the JV to outsource flying that should have been performed by Delta pilots to a foreign airline partner. Delta’s track record gives the MEC serious cause for concern that it could attempt to use the Blue Skies JV in the same way.
To prevent that from happening, the MEC has urged the DOT to place conditions on Blue Skies to ensure that Delta realizes an equitable share of any JV growth.  Among other things, DOT should impose a review to assess Blue Skies’ impact on US airline jobs and career opportunities and confirm that the JV is equitably distributing flying and growth to Delta and its pilots, and not primarily for the benefit of foreign JV partners.  Click here to read the filing in its entirety.
Scope and joint ventures matter to the Delta pilots.  Section 1 is the foundation of our contract, and we will continue to enforce and seek enhancements to our scope language.  We need—and the Delta pilots deserve—assurances that Delta is committed to equitable growth as the Company has repeatedly stated. It is time for Delta management to back up its words with actions.
Signed, Delta Master Executive Council and Delta MEC Negotiating Committee
schnitzlersig.PNG?r=1566238927196Capt Ryan Schnitzler
MEC Chairman
paynesig.PNG?r=1566238961259FO Jon Payne
MEC Vice Chairman
ambrosisig.PNGCapt Jason Ambrosi
MEC Secretary
bellsig.PNG?r=1566239006290Capt Tom Bell
MEC Treasurer
Capt Todd Kohner
C1 Capt Rep
FO Dan Stowell
C1 Interim Chair
FO Mike King
C1 Secretary-Treasurer
Capt Brian Kolbus
C16 Chairman
FO Steven Johnson
C16 Vice Chairman
Capt Hesham Aly
C16 Secretary-Treasurer
Capt Rich Wheeler
C20 Chairman
FO Darren Hartmann
C20 Vice Chairman
Capt Eric Nelson
C20 Secretary-Treasurer
allensig.PNG?r=1566238927196Capt Brent Allen
C44 Chairman
omahoneysig.PNG?r=1566238961259Capt Kevin O’Mahoney
C44 Vice Chairman
FO Jay Cowieson
C44 Secretary-Treasurer
allenmsig.PNG?r=1566239006290FO Mark Allen
C44 FO Rep
Capt Sam Mason
C48 Chairman
FO Mark Fischer
C48 Vice Chairman
Capt Keith Costo
C48 Secretary-Treasurer
Capt Mark Young
C54 Chairman
FO Rob Selmer
C54 Vice Chairman
Capt Dan Adams
C54 Secretary-Treasurer
Capt Tom Kramer
C66 Chairman
FO David Adler
C66 Vice Chairman
Capt Michael Kirk
C66 Secretary-Treasurer
Capt Peter Van Stee
C81 Chairman
Capt Rick Harper
C81 Vice Chairman
FO Tom Wilkinson
C81 Secretary-Treasurer
Capt Dave Talaber
C108 Chairman
FO Frank Brady
C108 Vice Chairman
FO Gregg Hurley
C108 Secretary-Treasurer
Capt Chad Smith
Negotiating Committeee Chairman
FO Eric Criswell
Negotiating Committee Member
FO Brandon Conwill
Neogotiating Committee Member

Air Line Pilots Association, International www.alpa.org

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